Article 10. of the Usps-Nrlca National Agreement

The vacation sharing program provides employees with the opportunity to receive and use the annual leave given and to donate their annual leave to another employee under certain conditions. The program is limited to non-market units and collective bargaining employees, as well as lay workers who are called transition workers (STs) under certain collective agreements. The conditions of this programme are laid down in the applicable collective agreements and declarations of intent. For instructions on how to administer the terms and conditions, see Management Instruction EL-510-2003-2, Annual Leave Sharing Program. Some national collective agreements provide for an option to exchange leave for insured workers. Eligibility and other conditions for this option are set out in applicable collective agreements and program management information. Annual leave is earned by a regular rural airline in accordance with 512,311 and the terms of the applicable collective agreement. It is taken in minimum units of 1 day (8 hours), provided that a holiday replacement is available. For these employees, leave is subject to the special leave planning provisions of applicable collective agreements. Also note: If employees die on duty, final leave payments are made as follows: The opening season of the annual vacation exchange program runs annually from November 15 to December 15. Eligible employees will be notified of the elections prior to the opening season. The exchange is valid for the first full salary period of the new vacation year. .

An employee who moves from the post office to another federal agency after a service disruption is disconnected (see 512.7) and returns later (see 512.9). Any accumulated leave is not transferred, but paid at a flat rate. With the exception of emergency situations, annual leave on Form PS 3971 must be requested for all employees except postal workers and must be approved in advance by the appropriate supervisor. Leave requests from regional air carriers must be approved in accordance with Article 10 of the USPS-NRLCA National Agreement. For these employees, the leave is based on existing collective agreements. Also note: After being assigned and served for more than 90 days in an open lane or on a route from which a rural airline is on extended vacation, or after a CAR has been assigned and served on an auxiliary route for more than 90 days, it may take the annual vacation ride. Annual leave is granted in accordance with the normal conditions of leave and the provisions of the existing collective agreement. It is granted at least 1 day for regular lines or 1 hour for secondary trips, provided that a replacement stay is available. Annual leave is earned by a regular ground carrier according to 512,311 and in accordance with the existing collective agreement. It is taken in at least 1 day (8 hours) if a replacement holiday is available.

Public holidays may not be calculated for national holidays, days or absences designated under national law and authorised by administrative means. The vacation leave program provides employees with the opportunity to receive and use the annual leave given and, under certain conditions, to donate annual leave to another employee. The program is limited to employees of career units and collective agreements, as well as non-professional employees who are called transitional employees (TE) under certain collective agreements. The terms of this programme are set out in existing collective agreements. Instructions on how to manage terms and conditions can be found in the Annual Leave Sharing Program. Some national collective agreements provide for the possibility of leave for the workers concerned. Eligibility and other terms and conditions for this option are set out in collective agreements and program management information. After a rural air carrier or RCA has been assigned to an open route or on a route from which a rural carrier is on extended leave and has been operated on an auxiliary route for more than 90 days, or after an air carrier has been deployed and served on an aid route for more than 90 days, he may benefit from the accumulated annual leave. Annual leave is granted in accordance with normal leave requirements and the terms of the applicable collective agreement.

It is granted in minimum units of 1 day for regular lines or 1 hour for auxiliary routes, provided that a holiday replacement is available. Leave cannot be calculated for national holidays, days designated as public holidays or absences approved by administrative decree. n If the actual weekly working time exceeds 56 hours per week, a DACA code 5 must be used. DACA code R or 3 is not allowed. Superiors approve or disapprove of the request for leave. If the application is refused, the absence may be registered as LWOP or Absence without Leave (AWOL) at the discretion of the supervisor in accordance with 512.422. RSA overtime is paid at any time of the year, not just during the holiday season. Ordinary rural airlines receive overtime under the RSA in two circumstances: b. Christmas Help – If an auxiliary carrier serves the assigned route and the scheduled carrier provides assistance on the day of the aid, note the hours worked by the regular as the working time of the Christmas assistance.

If an additional equipment maintenance allowance (EMA) is due for work on the day of assistance, enter the mileage driven in full miles for the corresponding week in the Route Deviation block. Do NOT include these hours in the Actual Weekly Hours block. Enter J or K in the appropriate block on Form PS 1314 if the replacement carrier has worked on the route for a full day. In urgent cases, a derogation from the prior authorisation requirement shall be granted; However, in such situations, the employee must inform the competent postal authorities as soon as possible of the urgency and the expected duration of the absence. . b. Hours of work greater than 56 hours per week. These hours are calculated automatically when the total weekly working time is greater than 56, so no separate entry is required.

See Appendix 514.4,point (e) for further information. One. Hourly units in a pay status are converted to vacation credits at the rate of 1 hour for each unit of 20, 13, or 10 hours in a salary status – up to a maximum of 4, 6, or 8 hours per biweekly pay period, depending on the employee`s leave category. If an employee is not transferred to another federal agency and disconnects from the postal service, the Eagan CSA will provide the separation system using Form PS 2246, Terminal Leave Worksheet, which can be placed in the employee`s official staffing book….

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